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When The Butterfly Was Reborn

Hello you gorgeous soul,

I am not writing to the same person that was here 365 days ago, today I am writing to the empowering, daring and soulful person that stands before me. As I look in to your glowing, brown eyes there are more stories to be told than there were a year ago, and yet they still have the same innocence and magic about them because no matter what you experience or what the Universe throws at you, you always find a way to build strength, courage and tenacity where you’d once collapse at the idea of any of those things happening.

I’m so glad you know now that life is always happening for you, not to you. Over the past 365 days you have explored deeper parts of yourself that have allowed

yourself to rise up, be seen, be heard and shake the ground from underneath you to emerge into the next level version of the woman you’re meant to become. At your 21st birthday party you stood in front of a sea of people that met your gaze with love and went on to explain how turning twenty one was a huge milestone in itself because it was the year and time that a young girl embraced feelings of freedom, love, abundance and opportunity; however I couldn’t have imagined the incredible and miraculous adventure awaiting me or the stories I’d unveil, the people I’d meet and cherish forever and those that would fall by the wayside on my journey ever so destructively. They always say that a diamond isn’t a diamond without a bit of pressure; in order for it to look shiny, and admiringly fresh it needs to go through a process of strength, time and energy. That’s exactly how I’d summarise my twenty first year around the sun. It will forever be known as my year of self love, new beginnings, and the preparation for my re-birth.

Just as a butterfly has to rest in its’ cocoon for some time, you as well needed sacred time to heal your heart, rest your mind and awaken your soul. It is said that every seven years, a new cycle begins physically, emotionally and spiritually and with this being my twenty second year around the sun, it means that my whole human being is preparing itself for a new beginning, a new beginning that the Universe knew I needed even when my mind became foggy, I was led out of the darkness with grace, compassion and love into a new light.

The Angel number ’22’ signifies a powerful message from one’s angels that they are being divinely guided to turn their dreams into a reality, and in every moment with each new synchronicity I know that my purpose, passions, and mission in this lifetime is becoming more and more in alignment with my true higher self. I am her, she is me and there are no limitations that hold me back from living in her true divine essence and power.

I want to thank you for choosing yourself and allowing your heart to remain healed, open and restored. What I thought was going to be a year of adventure, fun and investing in my future, ended up being the year that I invested and re-discovered myself. Each year I am being guided to rise up and bridge the gap between who I used to identify myself as and who I choose to be in this moment. Each moment I chose authenticity, I chose love, I chose compassion, I chose forgiveness, I chose grace and I chose me because my heart deserves a love like no other before, filled with strength, passion and acceptance and I am going to continue to choose all of these things to stay in true alignment with the best version of myself as I continue to grow, flourish and unravel new layers to my being.

Here are just a few things I’ve learnt over the past year:

1- Always stay grounded and connected to who you are

2- Trust. Trust yourself, your intuition and your Divine guidance

3- It is safe to speak up, stand in your worth and say no

4- The more you are aligned to your higher self, the easier it is to attract your soul family

5- It is okay to disagree with those around you, it won’t invalidate your opinion

6- Rest and time away in solitude is important to recharge your energy

7- It isn’t selfish to put yourself first, at times it’s necessary

8- Your age is no limit, you can do anything you want to

9- Connect to your sexuality and allow yourself to explore what feels good for you

10- Dancing lights my soul on fire and always has the power to raise my vibration

11- It isn’t your job to save or fix everyone, especially in a relationship

12- You are a beautiful healer, light worker and being. Continue to take care of your heart

Oh darling sunflower, take these words, take the memories and lessons with you to water your growth, and as you do let your heart expand, your soul awaken and your mind blossom to new ideas, new people and new opportunities around you because they are always available to you and what’s yours is already on it’s way to you.

The moment is near, for you to spread your wings & fly.

The cocoon is cracked open

So move forward with love & light

Your new adventure awaits and your time to be reborn is here

Are you ready? The Universe asked

And with a quiet confidence she opened up her heart and knew her soul had been waiting for this moment to arrive.

Happy birthday beautiful! I can’t wait to see what grand adventures await you in this next year around the sun. I love you and am always so indescribably proud of who you are; yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Unconditional love always,

E x

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