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The Leo Queen Is Rising

Divine being,

As another year is coming to a close and a new one prepares to emerge itself and begin, I want to take this time to be present, reflect, and celebrate all that you are and all that you’ve become.

Isn’t it funny that we wait until the big moments in life like milestones, anniversaries and birthdays to celebrate, when really you should be celebrated every single day. I have so much to say, and yet I don’t know where to start, but what I do know is that I’m here to be real, raw and authentic because life is too short to be anything just.

“How beautifully you have grown since July last year”; one of my favourite quotes that I remember this time every year, it simplifies that we are always growing, always changing and always evolving. Month to month and birthday to birthday, so much can change in 12 months and it always does.

This birthday is a celebration of the beautiful, powerful, divine, feminine, sexy, wild and astonishing soul you are. You have greatness in your voice and in your gifts. Over the past year, you have learnt how to come into your own more, you have learnt how to use your voice to stand up for yourself, there has been beauty and grace in your healing, and in your growth. In all honesty, if you hadn’t grown since July of last year I’d be concerned but more so disappointed, because that means you weren’t living. You came into this lifetime 23 years ago with a distinct gift and purpose and every day you are playing out everything you need to in perfect synchronicity to get you closer and closer to that; believe me. Your higher self knows, she is looking towards you every day so proud of how far you’ve come. Your inner child is looking towards you saying ‘thank you’; thank you for choosing you, thank you for choosing self love, self compassion and self worth. Thank you for your patience, tenacity and strength.

The thing I remember most about the last year of my life, is how I started to put myself first more, I released old attachments, I released old limiting beliefs, I released old connections and relationships and in return I surrendered, I opened my arms and heart to more. I welcomed in love, I welcomed in clarity, I welcomed in support & guidance, I welcomed in new opportunities, I welcomed in the authentic me who is constantly being reborn and going deeper with herself. I applaud you for that, because it’s not easy. Most people take the easy option, they sit back in their ego and they live the life they get told to, but you my dear are so much more than that. I know you can’t see it now, but you are a human vessel of expansion, love, strength and kindness. People need your light. People need your story. People need your compassion. People need you. You have more magic in your mind, body and soul than you give yourself credit for. It’s time to stop observing, stop getting in your own way and start taking action. On the contrast to that, know that you have time, so enjoy every single moment that life has to offer you; that is what your twenties are for after all and you’re doing a great job at finding that out. Please know that you don’t need have everything figured out right now, you are going to be ok. Experience life on a daily basis, keep trusting the process, keep dreaming and keep loving everyone and everything wholeheartedly.

In numerology 23 represents adventure, diplomacy & creativity. It’s about freedom, sensuality and expansion. The wheels are already in motion and your time is coming. There is so much on the horizon for you to bring, to experience and to feel, but for now this moment in time, I want to express my gratitude for how incredible you are. You never stay down for too long, you’ve built more alignment and connection to yourself in a way you never have. This time last year you didn’t know what you know now, and that’s the beauty of birthdays. They are the celebration of the human experience, equally as much as they are a celebration of our souls.

I acknowledge that this birthday may look and feel different to the ones that come before, but I am grateful for I am surrounded by twice as much love, connection and presence in my life by others and by myself and there isn’t a more precious or beautiful gift than that.

God has gifted me with an incredible, loving man who worships me. God has gifted me with self-love. God has gifted me with creativity. God has gifted me with resources to grow and become more. God has gifted me with friends that believe in me and align with me. He has gifted me with an incredible new year around the sun.

Here’s to the Leo Queen, the fearless Goddess who is rising within you. She is seen, and the next level you is waiting to be met with you.

One day soon you will look in the mirror and have a quiet and undoubtedly confidence that she is you.

Thank you for coming into this world 23 years ago, you make it just that little bit brighter. Go be amazing. Go be you and know that this time next year you will have more wisdom, more strength, more abundance, more connections and more to share.

And so it is

Unconditional Love,

E x

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